
Propecia prices

Propecia prices have now become cheaper as now generic 1mg Finasteride is available, Merck has had to respond to it.

Typical prices are now:

Finasteride 1mg (13 boxes) £300

Propecia £500 for one year

or a starter pack:

Finasteride 1mg 3 months £100

for more info, see our shop

Propecia consent

What is the difference between generic Finasteride 1mg tablets and genuine Propecia 1mg tablets?

In theory, none at all. Both should contain exactly the same amount of pure Finasteride (the chemical name of the drug). However, some doctors believe that small differences do occur between manufacturers, partly down to quality control and partly due to differences in the excipients i.e. the stuff that the tablet is made from.

We prescribe high quality generic Finasteride from a reputable pharmacy and don’t believe that there will be significant clinical differences in most patients but do leave the choice to the patient.

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